Published on September 27, 2004 By Qmix In Stardock Software
Sorry if this is not the appropriate place to ask this, but I searched the boards, newsgroups, and help files, but found no help. Is there a "for dummies" guide/help/explanation to changing skin colors via custom color support in apps such as
Windowblinds (for skins that support this) and CursorXP Plus? I appear to be a little
"slow" when it comes to this sort of thing, so an easy to understand, in plain language,
explanation would be much appreciated. BTW, I'm a subscriber to the full versions of OD and
on Sep 27, 2004
for windowblinds maybe this will help you:

and maybe this will help with cursorxp
on Sep 28, 2004
Thanks kongit, unfortunately the link you provided for WB, in particular, doesn't include the options available in the registered ver. 4.4 (hue, saturation, luminence, etc.) All of which I'm clueless about
on Sep 28, 2004
saturation-the amount of hue in the color

I suggest playing around with the options to figure it out. but if you need more help just ask.
on Sep 29, 2004
yeah, thanks, I guess just playin' around is the best thing to do